

Cocoapods v1.5.0 started supporting static libraries, and somehow breaking the way frameworks are imported into Playground. If you encounter Playground execution failed: error: Couldn't lookup symbols: ..., then it is likely the modules are not properly imported.

A fix is to revert back to v1.4.0.

sudo gem install cocoapods -v 1.4.0
pod _1.4.0_ install

Playground is a very useful tool, especially for building UI, as you can preview them almost right away, saving many hours building and running on simulator.

New in Xcode 9, we can now add custom framework to Playground, therefore providing a quick way to integrate with existing project.

This post will show how to add Playground to an existing project, using Cocoapods along in it, and interacting with UI controls for instant feedback.

1. Open your project workspace

I am assuming you are already using workspace.

But if you are not, open the .xcodeproj and File > Save As Workspace.

2. Add new target

Select File > New > Target > Cocoa Touch Framework.

Let’s name the new target “MyUIPlaygroundFramework”.

Do NOT embed this framework in the app’s original target.

This new “framework target” builds the framework, which provides code available to use in Playground.

3. Add files to target

Add a new Swift file, making sure it is available to the target.

In File Inspector, make sure the target “MyUIPlaygroundFramework” is checked.

You can also add existing files to the framework, exposing them to Playground later. If you use pods, then you need the pods to be available to the new target (read later section).

4. Build the framework

Select the Scheme and Build.

You must manually build each time you made changes to the framework.

5. Add Playground

In the workspace, File > New > Playground > Single View.

Save the playground file in the root folder, usually along with the Xcode xcworkspace and xcodeproj files. Drag and drop the playground file into the workspace.

In the Playground page, import the framework, and set up a live view.

import PlaygroundSupport
import UIKit
import MyUIPlaygroundFramework

class MyViewController : UIViewController {
    override func loadView() {
        let view = UIView()
        view.backgroundColor = .red
        // Add subviews ...
        self.view = view

PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = MyViewController()

You create your views in loadView, and see them in Live View (select Show Assistant Editor).

Just like Playground, code changes will be reflected almost right away.

6. Using Cocoapods

You cannot import a Cocoapods module in playground, yet.

If the Swift file requires the use of Cocoapods, you have to make it available to the target as specified in Podfile.

We make Cartography, an awesome library for constructing autolayout, for the framework:

target 'MyUIPlaygroundFramework' do
    pod 'Cartography', '~> 1.1.0'

pod install, build framework again, and you will now be able to import Cartography in Playground too.

Because now 2 targets are using the same Cargography lib, it is cleaner to define shared pods in Podfile. We leave that as an exercise for you.

Bonus: Expose public

The trick to making playground work is by importing MyUIPlaygroundFramework.

So if you are going to use any of your app’s custom view/controller/model/etc in the playground DIRECTLY, you need to expose them with public access level.

Limit what you gonna expose.

The use of playground here is merely to play with the UI, so exposing custom UIView to public is ok, but probably not other stuff.

Bonus: Custom Device Size

You can live view the UI with custom device size eg. iPhone 8 Plus, iPhone X, iPad, etc has provided a helpful Playground wrapper for devices.

Sample usage:

let parent = playgroundWrapper(
  child: vc,
  device: .phone4_7inch,
  orientation: .landscape,
  contentSizeCategory: .large)
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = parent




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