For a simple view, we can use onTapGesture
to handle taps easily. At times you want to handle simultaneous gestures.
I will use a common design pattern – a toast – for illustration.
A toast can have a call-to-action button for tapping. That can be done easily with a Button
in the Toast.
At the same time, you might want the Toast to be dismissible by swiping up.
An implementation of a simple toast as such:
HStack {
Text("Toast Text with Button")
Button("Open") { ... } // Tap button to open
.offset(y: offset.height)
.onChanged { gesture in
if gesture.translation.height < 0 { // Only for swipe up
offset = gesture.translation
.onEnded { _ in
if abs(offset.height) > 30 {
dismiss?() // Trigger a toast dismiss
} else {
offset = .zero