
Swift has provided us quite a few ways to write codes that work for specific platform, version, and language. Examples:

  • Run code only for only iOS 13
  • Run code only for Swift 5
  • Run code only if can import SwiftUI


This is a runtime check, so you can use in regular conditional statements.

if #available(iOS 13.6, macOSApplicationExtension 10.15, *) && someOtherBoolean {
} else {
    // Fallback code

Check out the grammar for details.

The trailing * denotes that it is available for all other platforms, so that future ones such as glassOS will be supported, when release.


This is an attribute that applies to types and properties. The grammar is same as #available.

@available(iOS 12, *)
struct My12Monkeys { ... }

You can also specify for language version:

@available(swift 5) // NOTE: Must be a lower case 's'
func swift5Only() { ... }

You can also annotate more info like this:

@available(iOS, deprecated: 13, message:"No reason", renamed: "Singapore")
struct Singapura { ... }

You can also stack multiple attributes.


It is also important to specify when it is unavailable to a platform. For example, mac does not have dual camera, so this var must not be available when building for mac.

@available(macOS, unavailable)
static var dualCamera: AVCaptureDevice? {
    return AVCaptureDevice.default(.builtInDualCamera, for: .video, position: .back)


This tests for modules availability.

#if canImport(SwiftUI)
    // SwiftUI code
    // Fallback to UIKit


But checking with canImport() might not be enough. Sometimes, you need to check for the platform. For example, watchOS is often limited.

#if !os(watchOS)
    // Not watchOS




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