
@State is mutable

When you declare @State, we know it is a property wrapper wrapping a certain value. For example:

@State var foo: Int = 1

It is managing an Int.

And it may mutate the Int.

On the other hand, if you declare without @State, you cannot mutate the View’s property.

var foo: Int = 1

Button("Change foo") { = 2 // Error: 'self' is immutable

How to init @State

struct MyView: View {
    @State var foo: Int = 1
    init(foo: Int) { = foo

If you provide your own View initialization, and you init like the above, you’ll be surprised. MyView(foo: 2) will NOT set foo to 2. It will remain as 1.

The way to init an @State is:

init(foo: Int) {
    self._foo = State(initialValue: foo)

Yup, you have to use an underscore _foo to set the state manually.

Similarly, you could need ObservedObject(initialValue: ...).

View will “refresh” on state change

Yes, we know the body will be called, kind of like refreshing the view, whenever the state changes.

If the state is not used within body, SwiftUI will be intelligent enough, and will not call upon the body.

The magic between init and body

We understand children views get init repeatedly, whenever the state of a parent changes.

But when a child view is init, the state will remain – not reset to the default. This might be obvious; because if it reset to default, it will look like a UI bug.

Yet if you think deep into what’s happening, you will find it magical :)

Be careful what you init in a view. It should be lightweight, and likely SwiftUI will frequently initialize the struct. Yet, the state, in the view struct, will be restored to what it was.

Or in the words of The Stranger Thing in @State:

The trick here is that the view is not always connected to that state store: SwiftUI does plug it in when the view needs a redraw or receives a SwiftUI-originated callback, but plugs it out afterward.

So, it’s best to think of the View and the store (@State, @ObservedObject) as disconnected pieces.

Extending Equatable

You should expect SwiftUI to init your view anytime, and restore the state.

How does SwiftUI restore the state?

It will do it’s own diff-ing to know if that’s the same view.

If SwiftUI seems to fail you, you might want to extend Equatable for your view.

extension MyView: Equatable {
    static func == (lhs: MyView, rhs: MyView) -> Bool {
        // Example: if view model id is the same, the view is equal
        return ==

Read up on EquatableView.




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