
Getting Started

Assuming you already have Swift installed in your system (that is, if you run whereis swift, you should see /usr/bin/swift), running scripts in Swift is pretty easy.

The process of writing Swift script is similar to that of bash script or python script.

Create/touch main.swift (it must be named main), and write the following hello code:

print("Hello Swift!")

The first line is the hashbang commonly seen in other scripting languages, which points to our Swift REPL.

To run:

chmod +x main.swift

This will print “Hello Swift!”.

Compiling to Binary

In Getting Started, we have a swift file that compile on the fly.

We could compile that into an executable binary.

swiftc main.swift -o hello

We name the binary hello in above. The binary will be created, and now you can run it with ./hello.

If you get an error cannot load underlying module for 'CoreGraphics' (if you start to import frameworks like Foundation), then you will need to run like this:

xcrun -sdk macosx main.swift -o hello

Swift version manager

If you have used rvm for ruby, we have the equivalent chswift, by @neonichu from Cocoapods.

Taking a step further, @neonichu created cato, which let you run script with hashbang directive that specify the Swift version to run with:

#!/usr/bin/env cato 1.2

There is also swiftenv, another Swift Version Manager, which is more popular likely because it has much similarities to pyenv.

Dependency Manager

Cocoapods has a rome version that will build frameworks for Swift scripts to use.

Install with:

gem install cocoapods-rome

Till further, that’s all for an introduction.




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