This is a guide to creating your own Private Cocoapods – that is hosting your private “Specs” with your private library.
This is useful for projects that are not open-sourced.
1. Setup Your Library
Create your private library with pod lib create.
pod lib create MyLibrary
The interactive prompt will help in setting up your library.
The following 2 folders are important:
- Pod - This is where you place your library’s classes and assets
- Example - This is the generated Demo & Testing bundle
When you open Xcode, you will find your library source under Pods > Development Pods > MyLibrary.
Development Pods are different from normal CocoaPods in that they are symlinked files, so making edits to them will change the original files, so you can work on your library from inside Xcode. When you add new/existing files to Pod/Classes or Pod/Assets or update your podspec, you should run
pod install
orpod update
2. Git Push Your Library
Create your private repository for this library.
Then edit your Podspec file with the repos URL:
s.source = { :git => "[email protected]:myorg/mylibrary.git", :tag => s.version.to_s }
You will need to commit, and tag the version (default starts with “0.1.0”).
Finally, git push
3. Setup Your Specs Repo
Now, you have to create your private spec repo. This is like a private trunk.
Create another private repository (this is different from step 2).
Then add this private repos to your system:
pod repo add MySpecs [email protected]:myorg/myspecs
4. Add your Podspec to Your Private Specs Repo
Go back to your private library.
Push the podspec to your spec repo.
# Verify correctness of the podspec
pod lib lint --verbose
# Push the podspec
pod repo push MySpecs MySwift.podspec --verbose
5. Using the Library
The Podfile
must now contain the source. We now have 2:
source '[email protected]:myorg/myspecs'
source ''
That’s it. Add the library normally.
pod 'MyLibrary'