
While Octopress 3.0 announced it is coming soon, it has been 9 months, but they still have not release officially.

However, you can use pre-released Octopress 3.0.

This post is a guide of my experience as I migrate this website from an existing Octopress 2.0 to the new Octopress 3.0 (with this Medium lookalike theme).

The older website has moved to


touch Gemfile

Edit the Gemfile as follows:

source ''

gem 'jekyll'
gem 'github-pages'
gem 'bourbon'

group :jekyll_plugins do
    gem 'octopress', '~> 3.0.11'
    gem 'octopress-image-tag'
    gem 'octopress-video-tag'
    gem 'octopress-codeblock'
    gem 'octopress-quote-tag'
    gem 'octopress-codefence'
    gem 'octopress-solarized'
    gem 'octopress-gist'

Octopress 2.0 is a derivative of jekyll with more features.

Octopress 3.0 is merely a plugin to jekyll – which is a better design and plays well with the powerful jekyll. And there are other plugins provided by octopress such as octopress-codefence for backtick code blocks.

Run bundle install to install the gems.

Setup a new website

# In the directory
octopress new .

With that, you can now run the website locally:

bundle exec jekyll serve

Note: You need to prepend bundle exec so that the gems are used in this context.

Migrating Your Posts and etc

Migrating octopress/jekyll is rather easy, because the your pages and posts are your markdown files.

  • Copy all the markdown post (/source/_posts to /_posts)
  • Copy all the markdown pages
  • Copy all the images eg. (/source/images to /images)


To activate the jekyll plugins, edit _config.yml and add the gems:

  - octopress-image-tag
  - octopress-video-tag
  - octopress-codeblock
  - octopress-quote-tag
  - octopress-codefence
  - octopress-solarized
  - octopress-gist


Jekyll themes are merely fork of Jekyll with custom html/css/etc.

For this website, I use mediator.

Since we didn’t start with a fork of a theme, we have to download/clone the theme, then copy (and replace) these:

  • _config.yml
  • _includes
  • _layouts
  • _sass
  • assets
  • css
  • feed.xml
  • index.html

You might also need the merge the theme’s Gemfile to yours, if the theme uses other gems.

The default jekyll permalink for each post is different from Octopress 2.0.

In Octopress 2.0, it is:

In Octopress 3.0 (or Jekyll), the default is:

To change, edit _config.yml and add:

permalink: /:year/:month/:day/:title/

Github Pages

I host this website on Github Pages, for free. You can find out how to host it on this post.

# To setup
bundle exec octopress deploy init git

Then edit _deploy.yml with your github repos.

You will also need to add a CNAME file with your domain name in it in /

# Then push and deploy with
octopress deploy




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