
CocoaPods is the de facto dependency manager for iOS/Mac development.

You can follow this official guide to create your own pod so that other developers can use.

However, after following the official guide, I am rather lost.

I was stuck on multiple occassion, though still manage to resolve.

One stumbling block I had was their 1 liner instruction:

Then submit a Pull Request to the Specs repo.

They could have elaborated to say “Fork Specs repo, add a directory with your podspec, then submit a pull request”.

I was puzzled as I have a podspec from running pod lib create, and it don’t make sense that I can submit a pull request between 2 different git projects.

Therefore, imo, this comprehensive guide by Dave Meehan is much better.

Anyway, here is my first cocoapod: UIView+CustomFonts

My brief steps:

  • Run pod lib create UIView+CustomFonts
  • Create an Xcode project, and then move it to the same directory “UIView+CustomFonts”
  • The main files for the libraries are in “Classes”
  • Edit podspec
  • Run pod spec lint to check the syntax
  • Create an empty repos in github, add the remote, then push
  • Fork Specs repo
  • Create directory “/UIView+CustomFonts/1.0.0/”
  • Copy (yes, a copy) the current podspec into the created directory
  • Submit pull request to Specs repo

In the end, I realize I changed so much from the initial pod lib create.. If I will to start a new library, I will probably download from UIView+CustomFonts and copy the structure.




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