Similar to how you transfer data away from Dotcloud, you can do the same for your mongodb database.
I have been moving away from Dotcloud as they no longer provide free sandbox app.
// ssh into mongo db instance first
dot cloud run db
// dump the data, then transfer via ftp
mongodump -h -u root -p MYPASSWORD -d MYDBNAME
tar -czf MYDBNAME.tgz dump
curl -u myftpusername:myftppassword -sST MYDBNAME.tgz
I use FTP, but if you prefer S3, you could do this.
Download the tgz and unzip to get a dump directory.
Create a database in mongolab.
// On local machine, do a mongorestore to mongolab
mongorestore -h -d MYDBNAME -u root -p MYPASSWORD2 dump/MYAPP/